ID: 2796
Enhance: Wolf's Frenzy
KR name: 강화 : 아랑유운
icon Skill
Class: Mystic

Preceding Skill: [Wolf's Frenzy]
Attack up to 5 enemies one by one in a luminous, chaotic dance of death. Makes your movements more agile.

during the skill to evade backward
Can be added to a Quick Slot

Required Level: 99 or Higher
Required Points: 99
- Required MP: 50
Cooldown: 25s

- Wolf's Frenzy
- Awakening: Banha's Cestus

Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 20 sec
Extra Damage to Humans +15 for 20 sec
All DP +20 for 25 sec
All Evasion Rate +5% for 25 sec
All Accuracy Rate +5% for 20 sec
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 20 sec
Attack/Casting Speed +10% for 20 sec
Movement Speed +10% for 20 sec
Extra Damage to Humans -15 for 12 sec for target
All DP -20 for 12 sec for target
All Evasion Rate -5% for 12 sec for target
All Accuracy Rate -5% for 12 sec for target
Attack/Casting Speed -5% for 5 sec for target
Movement Speed -5% for 5 sec for target
100 bleeding damage per 3 sec for 27 sec
Instantly recover 35 HP per target
Instantly recover 20 MP/WP/SP per hit
15% chance to Down Smash target
15% chance to Air Smash target
Back Attack damage +5% for 10 sec
Down Attack damage +5% for 10 sec
Air Attack damage +5% for 10 sec
Critical Hit damage +5% for 10 sec


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