ID: 61237/1
Black Cat
Level: 99
HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
A mysterious black cat which resides within the abyss. It has a red collar with a Shadeglow Pebble attached.

Often it would secretly follow the wanderer who had traversed the tranquil sea, and once the abyssal anomaly was resolved, it would reveal itself while purring with delight.

Thus, travelers of the abyss would first be startled by its sudden appearance, and feel nervous if the cat was nowhere in sight, only feeling waves of relief once it revealed itself once more. No one seems to know how it appears throughout the abyss without using the Abyssal Well.

Could it be that there is a cat for each of the abyssal pockets? Or, is there some unknown power in the Shadeglow Pebble attached to its red collar? None may know for certain.

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