ID: 47467
Varin Kamar
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
Varin Kamar has a contract with the merchant guild, making him responsible for the safety of Lake Sefirah's upper reaches. Under the merchant guild's instructions, he has set up camp there and sells the lake's water for profit. Once a hard worker, he now amusingly contemplates joining the merchant guild, despite the potentially high fees, due to the lucrative nature of being Muzgar's sole water supplier.

While some Sezec mercenaries remember Varin Kamar as a valiant mercenary, that's a thing of the past. The Varin Kamar of today is more of a businessman.
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ggloner 1-02-2024 13:01
He's in the port in between Velandir and Muzgar

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