Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 10 Evasion: 10 Horoscope: Key Interest Level: 31 ~ 35 Favor: 26 ~ 30 | |
Interests: Beasts (O'dyllita) (0/4) Economy III (0/4) Prime Quality Material (0/4) - Description: Shokan, the stable keeper at the south gate of the capital city of O'draxxia, is famous among the Ahib for his strangely reliable appearance. He always takes care of his horses diligently and sometimes learns from Plora, the Verti Beast Master, on how to deal with wild animals like the Saluns or Shadow Lions. Perhaps because he's earned the respect of Plora, no Ahib dare to be rude to him. Gives knowledge on discovery: - Shokan Conditions for obtaining knowledge |
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