ID: 47006
Elena Kanin
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 10
Evasion: 10
Horoscope: Shield
sympathy Interest Level: 30 ~ 34
sympathy Favor: 27 ~ 30

History III (0/6)
Olun's Valley (0/6)
Shadows of O'dyllita (0/6)
- Description:
Elena Kanin, the owner of the Thornflower Tavern in the capital of O'draxxia, is deeply upset because her clown recently fled. The tavern's customers loved his funny singing and dancing skills, but, one day, he had run away. Elena was simply stumped on what could have driven him away. She had been so kind to him... Later, the guards set out on the chase, yet all she heard back was that they could not find to where he had fled. Elena is worried that he might have gone to Olun's Valley.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Elena Kanin
- Viorencia Odore: Amity 1
Finished quest Task 3: Last Gift

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