ID: 25077
Griffon Egg
Level: 34
HP: 316
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 222
Evasion: 212
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 6,038
Karma: 30
Knowledge drop chance: 2.50%

- Description:
Griffon Egg
- Description:
A female Griffon lays around 3 to 5 eggs at once, but it is rare that they all hatch and grow into maturity.

When beasts like Black Leopards or Feathered Wolves come to prey on the eggs, the Griffon becomes so preoccupied with defending her nest the remaining beasts are often able to successfully steal the eggs.

A Griffon Egg is hard to come by and is considered a delicacy by food connoisseurs, so it is very expensive. Therefore Poachers often risk their lives to get a Griffon Egg. Recently there has even been a movement to hatch Griffon Eggs and raise the hatchlings for military purposes.
- Griffon Egg

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