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Level: 58 HP: 8,600,309 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 533 Evasion: 463 Damage Reduction: 70 XP: 2,505,749 Skill XP: 808,444 Karma: 80 Knowledge drop chance: 10.00% |
- Description: Muskan - Description: The cold-blooded murderer Muskan, commander of the Kzarka Shrine priests, would do anything for Kzarka's resurrection. He wears a helmet that covers his entire face to hide his appearance after being struck with a matchlock bullet. His weapons of choice also cover both of his hands. Getting hit by those fists will leave you short of breath and gasping in pain. Summoned by item: - Awakened Monastery Boss Summon Scroll Knowledge: - Muskan |
16001 | Black Stone | 4 ~ 6 | 0.500000% | |
16002 | Black Stone (Armor) | 4 ~ 6 | 0.330000% | |
6353 | Clown's Blood | 1 | 0.000500% | |
8915 | Concentrated Muskan Crystal | 3 | 1.00% | |
4463 | Diamond | 1 | 0.060000% | |
44186 | Hunter's Seal | 5 ~ 10 | 3.00% | |
13309 | Liverto Blade | 1 | 0.000700% | |
11209 | Liverto Gauntlet | 1 | 0.000700% | |
11359 | Liverto Kriegsmesser | 1 | 0.000700% | |
10009 | Liverto Longsword | 1 | 0.000700% |
9776 | Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard | 1 | 0.030000% | |
54031 | Laila's Petal | 1 | 0.150000% | |
752023 | Mass of Pure Magic | 1 | 0.001000% | |
11 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
12 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
13 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
14 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
50807 | Pure Forest Breath | 1 | 0.010000% | |
44491 | Shimmering Piece of the Old Moon | 1 | 0.000100% |
16001 | Black Stone | 1 | |
16002 | Black Stone (Armor) | 1 | |
11 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
12 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
13 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
14 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
9776 | Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard | 1 | |
752023 | Mass of Pure Magic | 1 | |
66117 | Muskan's Latent Aura | 1 | |
11016 | Muskan's Shoes | 1 |
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