ID: 21979
Apostle of Malevolence
Level: 65

HP: 940,024
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 1115
Evasion: 742
Damage Reduction: 373
XP: 35,679,009
Skill XP: 182,943
Karma: 95

- Description:
Apostle of Malevolence
- Description:
Blackstar's bloody creation.

The complete embodiment of immorality, which is an evolved form of the Apostle of Immorality after it succeeds in absorbing unstable dark energy. It is larger and more powerful than its previous form from absorbing too much dark energy.

If you see an Apostle of Malevolence, run away as far as you can. Blood will erupt from the ground and cover the skies red when it lifts its staff, and those who are covered in blood will be cursed forever and roam Star's End for eternity.
- Apostle of Malevolence
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corex 12-10-2020 15:05
Maksimum bilgi edinme şansı ile 20-30 sefer kestim halen bilgisini alamadım. Şişko orospu çocuğu.
Nasıl çıkar diye aklında soru varsa, diğer şişko ibneleri kesince ufak bir şansla çıkıyor.


When an Apostle of Immorality dies, there is a certain chance that it will absorb the dark energies from Star's End and transform into an Apostle of Malevolence.
The Apostle of Malevolence is more powerful than other regular monsters, and it will disappear if you cannot defeat it within 5 minutes after it spawns.
chupacabra 25-05-2021 17:14
Is the loot from tihs npc correct? I have never get Disto drop from this monster.
Kiriak 25-05-2021 17:32
Please keep in mind, that there is no drop data in the game client. All drop entries you see on the site are based on the leaked server side data from 2017.
Unfortunately, that's the best we have at the moment.
Taketoh 1-10-2022 22:46
Yes you can drop Disto from it

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Added by Taketoh (1-10-2022)
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