ID: 21720
Level: 60
HP: 45,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 1009
Evasion: 717
Damage Reduction: 292
XP: 9,844,433
Skill XP: 285,391
Karma: 28

- Description:
- Description:
A warrior of the Sherekhan, those worshiped in Drieghan as the Great Founders. They had long remained in eternal slumber after the Great Battle, but when the crimson dragon was spotted flying over Drieghan, the Sherekhan awoke to defend the lands once more.

The iron shield and hammer of Federik saved countless Sherekhan lives during the Great Battle. When Federik fell while protecting his companions, Chenga Sherekhan Gervish lamented Federik's death by stating, "the brightest star has now faded."
- Federik
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likeokay 22-10-2023 14:59
Appears at night in Sherekhan Necropolis, look for statues with purple glowy crystals coming out of them. Each statue has a weapon carving on top of it, making it easy to spot the one you need. Federik is a HAMMER AND SHIELD carving. Costs 10 energy to interact with the statue, which summons the mob after a short wait. Watch for the statue animation to use it again.

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