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Level: 66 HP: 514,446 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1144 Evasion: 764 Damage Reduction: 380 XP: 37,908,947 Skill XP: 237,826 Karma: 30 |
- Description: Kureba - Description: If you take a close look at the Sycraia Underwater Ruins, you might be able to spot boulders moving. These overwhelmingly large boulders are in fact ancient weapons called Kurebas. The real threat of a Kureba are its two pincers, which are usually hidden away. These can be stretched out, making difficult to estimate its range, and are also extremely destructive. They sometimes dig the ground or walls with its pincers, and it is not yet known exactly why they do so. Knowledge: - Kureba |
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