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Level: 58 HP: 43,574 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 493 Evasion: 463 Damage Reduction: 30 XP: 4,608,538 Skill XP: 182,943 Karma: 30 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Ancient Civilization Originator - Description: Aakman gang leaders. They are hostile against humans because they were betrayed by Valencia in the past. Knowledge: - Ancient Civilization Originator |
16001 | Black Stone | 1 | |
11 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
12 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
13 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
14 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | |
9776 | Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard | 1 | |
752023 | Mass of Pure Magic | 1 | |
44491 | Shimmering Piece of the Old Moon | 1 | |
54031 | Laila's Petal | 1 | |
50807 | Pure Forest Breath | 1 |
1072 | Do I Look Scary? | Combat | |
1073 | Guardian of the Desert | Combat | |
1074 | Protector | Combat |