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Level: 59 HP: 14,400 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 726 Evasion: 465 Damage Reduction: 261 XP: 4,757,201 Skill XP: 182,943 Karma: 30 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Petrified Soldier - Description: These Valencian soldiers were petrified by Basilisks. Although they are in severe pain, they still attack anything in the lair. Knowledge: - Petrified Soldier |
5604/6 | [Co-op] Peace to My Friends... | 1 | Valencia | 100 | 0 | 300 | Amity: 25 Select |
1050 | Evil | Combat | |
1049 | Leave Them Alone! | Combat | |
1048 | Wicked | Combat |