ID: 752030
Sailor Contract Certificate
KR name: 선원 고용 증서
icon General
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A certificate required for hiring a sailor.
- A contract certificate signed by Philaberto Falasi. Sailor employment is controlled by local designated brokers. Once the sailor is hired, the sailor is to keep this certificate to prove the legitimacy of the employment.

- If a sailor refuses your job offer, the contract certificate will become invalid and be immediately nullified.

- How to Obtain: Purchasable from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria, Islin Bartali and Proix in Velia, or from Wharf Managers in each region.
Item Exchange List:
- Sailor Contract Certificate
- Sailor Contract Certificate
Buy price: 3,000,000coin
Sell price: 100,000
Repair price: -

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