ID: 750162
Late Summer Night's Wish Box
KR name: 검요일 선물
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
Gold Bar 1,000G, Dandelion Weapon Box, Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Sicil's Necklace, Basilisk's Belt, Tree Spirit Belt, Ring of Crescent Guardian, Tungrad Earring, Blue Whale Molar Earring, Fugitive Khalk's Earring, +15 Awakening Weapon Box, Awakened Spirit's Crystal, Black Magic Crystal - Harphia , Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus, Black Magic Crystal - Viper, Black Magic Crystal - Hystria, Black Magic Crystal - Carmae, Black Magic Crystal - Addis, Black Spirit Crystal, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Ancient Weapon Core, Witch's Earring, Mark of Shadow, Bensho's Necklace, Blue Coral Earring, Golden Dagger, Golden Backpack, Golden Coelacanth, Concentrated Magical Black Stone, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Cron Stone, Soiled Ogre Ring, Soiled Sicil's Necklace, Soiled Ring of Crescent Guardian, Storm Horse Gear Box, Fishing Boat of Abundance Part Box, High-quality Wagon Part Box, Spellbound Tool Box, [Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir, [Mix] Time-Training Elixir, [Mix] Swiftness-Wind-Spell Elixir, [Mix] Manhunt-Rage Elixir, [Mix] Thorn-Defense Elixir, Organic Feed
Arrange Late Summer Night's Wish Box x3 into a [-] shape to get a Late Summer Night's Dream Box.
You'll randomly get one of the following:
Gold Bar 1,000G, Dandelion Weapon Box, Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Sicil's Necklace, Basilisk's Belt, Tree Spirit Belt, Ring of Crescent Guardian, Tungrad Earring, Blue Whale Molar Earring, Fugitive Khalk's Earring, +15 Awakening Weapon Box, Awakened Spirit's Crystal, Black Magic Crystal - Harphia , Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus, Black Magic Crystal - Viper, Black Magic Crystal - Hystria, Black Magic Crystal - Carmae, Black Magic Crystal - Addis, Black Spirit Crystal, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Ancient Weapon Core, Witch's Earring, Mark of Shadow, Bensho's Necklace, Blue Coral Earring, Golden Dagger, Golden Backpack, Golden Coelacanth, Concentrated Magical Black Stone, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Cron Stone, Soiled Ogre Ring, Soiled Sicil's Necklace, Soiled Ring of Crescent Guardian, Storm Horse Gear Box, Fighting Spirit Horse Gear Box, Abundant Fishing Boat Set, High-quality Merchant Wagon Box, Spellbound Tool Box, [Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir, [Mix] Time-Training Elixir, [Mix] Swiftness-Wind-Spell Elixir, [Mix] Manhunt-Rage Elixir, [Mix] Thorn-Defense Elixir, Organic Feed
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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