ID: 721048
Time-filled Black Stone
KR name: 시간이 스며든 블랙스톤
icon General
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
An odd Black Stone found only on the time-filled continent.
This item can be used to enhance Tuvala gear through the Black Spirit.

- Press RMB to start enhancement.

- Recover 5 max durability for Tuvala gear with Time-filled Black Stone x1

※ How to Obtain: Defeating monsters of Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, Valencia, Kamasylvia, Drieghan, O'dyllita, and Mountain of Eternal Winter in Season Servers.
(Excludes certain monster zones.)

※ Heat Tuvala gear x1 = Time-filled Black Stone x2
※ Heat Tuvala accessory x1 = Time-filled Black Stone x10

- Can exchange for Tuvala gear and accessories with blacksmiths in Velia and other cities.

※ Exchange List
- x2: Tuvala Weapon or Armor x1
- x10: Tuvala Accessory x1

※ Exchange NPCs
- Velia = Tranan Underfoe
- Heidel = Techthon
- Calpheon = Grandus, Kanobas
- Altinova = Mevo Muranan
- Valencia = Elfa
- Grána = Dikzipo
- Duvencrune = Hughol
- O'dyllita = Limitte
- Eilton = Tazral
- Moodle Village = Dalhoon
- Dalbeol Village = Sarang
- Byeot County = Old Man Sangcheol

- Go to Fughar in major cities to exchange for goods that can help season characters grow.

※ Exchange List
- x20: Advice of Valks (+10)
- x40: Valks' Cry
- x50: Advice of Valks (+20)
- x150: Advice of Valks (+30)
- x300: Item Collection Increase Scroll
- x500: Advice of Valks (+40)
Buy price: 1,000,000coin
Sell price: 10,000
Repair price: -

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