Alchemy EXP +X%
Alchemy Mastery +X
Alchemy Mastery +X
Alchemy Mastery Up
Alchemy Time -X sec
All AP +X
All Accuracy +X
All Damage Reduction +X
All Evasion +X
All Gathering Mastery +X
All Gathering Mastery Up
All Processing Mastery +X
All Resistance +X%
Amity +X%
Attack Speed +X
Barter EXP +X%
Casting Speed +X
Cooking EXP +X%
Cooking Mastery +X
Cooking Mastery Up
Cooking Time -X sec
Critical Hit +X
Damage from Monsters -X%
Debuff Resistance Against Monsters +X%
Discovery Radius +Xm
Extra AP Against Monsters +X
Extra Damage to All Species +X
Extra Damage to Humans +X
Fall Damage -X%
Farming EXP +X%
Fishing +X
Fishing EXP +X%
Fishing Mastery +X
Fishing Mastery +X
Fishing Mastery Up
Gathering +X
Gathering EXP +X%
Gathering Item Drop Rate +X%
Gathering Mastery +X
Grapple Resistance +X%
HP Recovery +X
Horse Capture Rate +X%
Hunting EXP +X%
Hunting Mastery +X
Hunting Mastery Up
Increase All Accuracy
Increase All DP
Increase All Damage Reduction
Increase All Evasion
Increase All Processing Mastery
Increase HP Recovery
Knockback/Floating Resistance +X%
Knockdown/Bound Resistance +X%
Life EXP +X%
Life Skill Mastery +X
Luck +X
Magic AP +X
Magic Accuracy +X
Magic Damage Reduction +X
Magic Evasion +X
Max HP +X
Max Stamina +X
Max Stamina -X
Melee AP +X
Melee Accuracy +X
Melee Damage Reduction +X
Melee Evasion +X
Mermaid's Wish (Phantom Ship Encounter Rate Decrease)
Mermaid's Wish X (Phantom Ship Encounter Rate Decrease)
Monster Damage Reduction +X
Monster Damage Reduction Up (from PRI)
Mount EXP +X%
Mount Skill EXP +X%
Movement Speed +X
Movement Speed +X%
Processing EXP +X%
Processing Mastery +X
Processing Success Rate +X%
Ranged AP +X
Ranged Accuracy +X
Ranged Damage Reduction +X
Ranged Evasion +X
Recover X HP
Recover X MP/WP/SP
Sailing EXP +X%
Sailing Mastery +X
Sailing Mastery Up
Skill EXP +X%
Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +X%
Trading EXP +X%
Training EXP +X%
Training EXP Increase (from +8)
Training Mastery +X
Training Mastery Increase
Weight Limit +XLT
- Blackstar Armor 2-Set Effect
- Blackstar Armor 3-Set Effect
- Blackstar Armor 4-Set Effect
- Slumbering Origin Armor 2-Set Effect
- Slumbering Origin Armor 3-Set Effect
- Slumbering Origin Armor 4-Set Effect
Attack/Casting Speed +X%
Increase Max HP (from PRI)
Jump Height Up
Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +X%
※ Debuff Resistance Against Monsters applies separately from normal Resistance effects.