- Описание: Среди гор Вельтара есть ущелье, которое называют Ущельем ветров.
Недалеко от ущелья есть место, где можно услышать песни альв.Горная деревня
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the lighter area that looks almost like a road south is a climbable area, first you'll find one that says there's a point around here (duh!) Keep going down, just when you think you can't climb back up look down you'll see a ledge that's where it is took me about twenty minutes to find it.
I missed this spot the first time around because I went down this channel-like ridge too quickly. When you start going down, keep to the left and you will find a plateau with the exploration point very quickly. On the pictures it looks as if this thing is far down, but it's actually very high up and you don't have to descent a lot at all.