ID: 6512/2
잠재된 우두머리의 기운
icon 依頼
地域名: カーマスリビア
カテゴリー: 依頼:コンテンツ
種類: 家族の探求
レベル: 1

icon - 잠재된 우두머리의 기운

icon - 투리튜아
icon - 투리튜아

- 説明 :
투리튜아는 우르곤 사냥에 도전하고, 잠재된 우두머리의 기운 100개를 구해 가져오라고 한다. ※ 소환 우두머리 우르곤을 사냥하면, '잠재된 우두머리의 기운'을 전리품으로 획득할 수 있습니다.

- 秘めたるボスのオーラ 100個をトリーチュアに渡す
  1. アイテムを与える:
ソート: 評価 日時
Tsoth 11-05-2023 03:38
There is no quest. It says you need to have 5 Urugon Latent aura and I have 45 Urugon latent aura (yes I double checked I had the right auras), obviously not enough to finish the quest, but I want to take it so I remember it's a quest I have to do (I'm a quest completist), and I talk to this NPC with the 45 auras in my inventory (I even tried with just five) and he offers no quest. I've never done the quest before either, and besides if I somehow had (which I can't have because getting a 100 urugon auras takes years by yourself) he would offer to exchange them for mem frags and he doesn't. My character is level 66. Oh and not that it's even a quest chain but I see above that it says "previous quest in the chain" well I've done that griffon on, giving a 100 latent auras.

Anyone else can confirm they can't get this quest?

It's possible you can only get it when you have a 100, i can'T verify, but all other latent aura quests like this one you can accept with just 5 auras.
