ID: 753
icon Knowledge
Category: Node Managers (Seas of Mediah)

- Description:
Iris made a huge umbrella with her little brother. The two were tickled pink with their creation, and ran off together to the beach. Unfortunately, this was the very day of the worst typhoon in Balenos' history. Their beloved umbrella was instantly transformed into a flying machine and eventually torn apart with Velia fading from view on the horizon. Luckily, the two survived their fall into the ocean, but they were swept away to a deserted island in the madness.

One consolation to all of this is that Iris was serving in the military before the incident, so she knows how to survive and protect her little brother. She busies herself with these duties while waiting for any old ship to come by and take them away.

Ajir Island Node Manager
Sea Node Manager
Obtained from:
- Iris
Obtained from:
- Iris

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