ID: 5930
Forbidden Love, Chapter I
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Category: Forbidden Love

- Description:
Leonardo Seric and Olivia Bartali's record, chapter I

Balenos scurried about in the field looking for cover like a frightened rabbit when the eagle of Calpheon spread its golden wings.

Leonardo Seric went up the ridge and visited the peaceful village of Florin. Soon after Leonardo Seric moved to the ridge, a band of Harpies launched a surprised attack on the unsuspecting visitors. Leonardo Seric was separated from his escorts and fell down the ridge.

Leonardo saw a white light and the rugged look of his father's face before he lost conscious. How much time passed since then?

Leonardo opened his eyes and saw a woman greet him. Her name was Olivia Bartali. That was the first time they met and they fell in love with each other.

He was barely conscious, but Leonardo Seric knew what had to be done before he even got up from Olivia's lap.

"Please marry me!"
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Forbidden Love ※ Currently unobtainable due to unavailable event quest.
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