ID: 11531
Ataraxia's Records: Despair
icon Knowledge
Category: Ataraxia's Footsteps

- Description:
Should I have stayed in Valencia? Maybe I should have listened to Nerasabi and lived out the rest of my days in luxury, especially with my very-own villa in Valencia. Haha.
A fool I was... To think that I could keep traveling, my one love, after this ordeal.
A fool...

As I've taken from the land, so too may it be blessed.
And Mother... Shine a light upon my sisters and I, living in agony.
Can be obtained through [Quest] Obsidian Ashes
Arethel in Obsidian Ashes said she found records left behind by Ataraxia.
Obtained from:
icon - Ataraxia's Energy #7

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