ID: 10594
Kuchio's Cherished Memory
icon Knowledge
Category: The Great Expedition V

- Description:
If it weren't for you Cap'n, I would've enlisted in the Otter army by now. Queek... thanks for saving me from that tragic fate, Cap'n! And the way ye dealt with those dastardly Sausans? Why, even those three bumblin' Porios couldn't handle them. I'm proud to be in yer crew, Cap'n! Queek! And I never thought those three be capable of apologizing, either!

I'm sorry I sent ye after Becao on ye own. Queek... But, if yer memories be still intact, ye would've ran in the opposite direction! Becao's putrid farts be so foul they even knocked you out one time! Ack! Don't be mad! Queek! Ye be fully recovered from that nasal assault now... Right? Queek!

- Kuchio of the Slippery Scallywags
Can be obtained through [Corsair Succession Quest]
Kuchio still thinks that the culprit of the foul stench was none other than Becao's farts.
Obtained from:
icon - [Corsair Succession] A Letter from the Crow

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