ID: 10311
Party in Florin
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Category: Artina's Music Log

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The day the dream world within the vitclari becomes a reality is when the true party in Florin begins.

We enjoy the Florchestra festival as we pray for the Musician of Light's fortune, and the day that Peepo, her long-tailed rosefinch rumored to bring happiness and luck to all the Shai of the world, finally sings. The medicine brewer busily emits a heady aroma, pigs plucking away the weeds croon, as light-hearted Izella whips up many dishes to fill our tummies. The long-tailed rosefinch Peepo ate too many Fruit of Enchantment, which dyed its tongue purple, and while Karanda, whose eggs were stolen, could cry out and blow away Florin, even in the midst of that storm we'd need but dance and sing.

Praying for the world within the vitclari to become a reality. Herar.
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