ID: 5804/8
Never-ending Riddles
KR name: 끊임 없는 수수께끼
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Dawn in the New World
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Eyes of a Fallen Giant
Next quest in the chain:
icon - A Person Qualified to Face the Treasure

Start NPC:
icon - Stone Tower with Ancient Writings
End NPC:
icon - Suspicious Pile of Artifacts

- Description:
You found a riddle on the stone tower the Ancient Stone Statue was looking towards. Solve the riddle.

"The treasure is hidden in the earth serpent's tracks that appears when the clock strikes three. But what is time, but an illusion?"
- The riddle from the stone tower

※ This quest is available only once per Family.
※ You must have the item Parchment Dropped by a Graverobber to proceed with this quest.

(There is a riddle on the stone tower.
You decide to read the riddle aloud.)
The treasure is hidden in the earth serpent's tracks that appears when the clock strikes three.
But what is time, but an illusion?

The treasure is hidden in the earth serpent's tracks that appears when the clock strikes three.
But what is time, but an illusion?

But what does it mean when it says
time is but an illusion?

(You see yet another riddle about the treasure.
It says, "I have left my treasure in the care of the gods' green grass field."

Completion Target: ???
- Find the key that will lead you to the treasure
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Suspicious Pile of Artifacts

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Rusty Key
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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SkeeLache 14-03-2021 18:31

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