ID: 4522/2
[Daily] Annoying Crawfish
KR name: [일일] 오리오를 괴롭히는 가재를 잡아라
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Daily] Bleeker Mania Cobrio
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Daily] Yellow-head Catfish Dish for Grandchild

Start NPC:
icon - Orio
End NPC:
icon - Orio

- Description:
Orio, the youngest from Splashing Point, said he was injured because Crawfish bit his finger while he was swimming and diving into water. Let's go fish Crawfish.

※ You can accept this quest only once per day. The quest resets at every midnight (server time).

Hello and welcome. Player.
I am the youngest in Splashing Point. Queek.
Crawfish hurted my finger while I was practicing diving.
Can you revenge for me? Go catch the crawfish for me! Queek.

Look at my fingers...Can't you see that they're swollen up?
Hurry! Bring me crawfish now!

Thanks. Player.
Now I can teach the Crawfish a lesson, Queek!

Completion Target: Orio
- Catch Crawfish
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Crawfish (3)

- Contribution EXP (80)
Quest requirements
Level: 50+
Required to open quests

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