ID: 30003/2
Preventing Memory Loss
KR name: 건망증을 퇴치하자
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Shakatu Merchants' Archive, Book 5, Chapter 2
Deals to win people over... the Shakatu Merchants' Archive!
Reach Lv. 57, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Shakatu Merchants' Archive from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Why I Became a Storage Keeper
Next quest in the chain:
icon - The Secret to Staying Warm

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
February 2

I am having a harder time remembering things as I get older, and I am having more and more episodes of forgetfulness.

It was not too long ago when I lost an item that an adventurer stored with me. Fortunately, the adventurer also seemed to have forgotten about it.

If this continues, it'll tarnish my reputation and credibility as a storage keeper. What should I do to prevent this?

Aha, I got it! Belgar stored some things in the storage which she said helps her solve a hundred puzzles everyday.

I heard that solving puzzles can help keep your mind sharp. Perhaps, if I get something like those items and use them to solve puzzles, I can keep improve my memory.

※ Complete the objective and talk to Deve to finish the page.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Good job! We did it!

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Collect items that'll help improve your memory (2 types)
Required actions:
  1. Have 1 items from the list:
    - Elixir of Fond Memories
    - Tears of Memory
    - Memory Fragment

Max HP + 1 (Family-wide)

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