ID: 11072/3
[Event] The Root of Contamination
KR name: [이벤트] 오염의 뿌리
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Adventurer's Tome
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Request from a Treant Spirit
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Treant Forest in Crisis

Start NPC:
icon - Treant Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Treant Spirit

- Description:
The Treant Spirit said that an Contaminated Dim Tree Spirit is the source of contamination spreading in the Treant Forest. Lure the spirit out of hiding and use the [Event] Axe of Purification to defeat it.

※ If you lose the [Event] Axe of Purification or [Event] Scroll Written in Spirit Language, you can go back to the Treant Spirit to get it again.
※ If you're struggling to defeat the contaminated Tree Spirits, talk to the Treant Spirit for tips.

The first victim was an Contaminated Dim Tree Spirit.
We didn't know why at the time but it went on a rampage in the forest, destroying everything in its wake.
If you don't mind, could me this one last time?
Please defeat the Contaminated Dim Tree Spirit.
It probably went into hiding when it heard you coming after the other contaminated tree spirits,
but you can lure it out by using a special scroll.
You won't have a problem defeating it if you use the special axe I previously gave you.
Please help us and stop the contaminated before it infects us all!

Please help me! Please stop the root of contamination before it infects even more spirits.

Thank you so much!
Although there may still be contaminated spirits around, the source of the problem has disappeared.
I am sure Treant Forest will return to its normal state shortly.
Here, please accept this as a small token of appreciation.
This is another special axe imbued with our power.

Completion Target: Treant Spirit
- Defeat Contaminated Small Tree Spirits
- Defeat Contaminated Dim Tree Spirit
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (3):


    - Contaminated Small Tree Spirit
  2. Kill monsters (1):


    - Contaminated Dim Tree Spirit

- Contribution EXP (50)
- Gold Spirit Axe
Quest requirements

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