ID: 42215
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1
Horoscope: Boat
sympathy Interest Level: 32 ~ 35
sympathy Favor: 30 ~ 34
Node Manager Florin

Residents of Florin (0/4)
Residents of Calpheon Northern Plantation (0/4)
Ruins (0/4)
- Description:
Valentine is the Chief of Florin.
Shais visibly stop aging after a certain point in their lives. Since Valentine is a Shai, this makes it impossible to guess his age. However, rumor has it that he is considerably old.

He claims that the key to his longevity is the medicinal herbs from Florin. He is very knowledgeable about them.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Valentine
NEW_NPC_CONDITION: !checkclass(17)
Class: Shai

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