- Description: Anon suddenly left Heidel to become a soldier without any notice. Lara is anxiously searching for him, but he says he will never come back until he becomes a brave knight.
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He should be around the top marker exactly 1:30 - 1:35 pm in game time.
He is on the road. Does not have any quest sign.
Do not bother looking for him in the other times, he wanders around quite a bit.
Good luck.
Anonymous 13-03-2016 10:41
I have found him using this comment. I wanted to make sure not to miss him, so I arrived ahead of 1:30PM. Interesting enough, I found him on the road where Rev mentioned at around 12:30 PM, an hour ahead. At 12:35PM (precisely?), the kid bolted off.
Anonymous 19-03-2016 18:49
He was slightly south of the location at the given time for me. Was worth the wait.
Anonymous 21-04-2017 21:58
Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. I was gathering around the top marker from 1:15, and waited at the exact spot from 1:29 to 1:38 PM game time, and Anon never showed up.
However, I did eventually find him at 1:58 PM game time on the road just north of the lake with the big "Swamp Fogan" Lv 23-25 icon. By 2:06, he had left that spot.
Anonymous 17-03-2016 06:23
I've found him several times on the road below Southern Guard Camp but I have no idea how to add the location to the map
Anonymous 26-03-2016 09:29
Found him outside entrance to Southern Guard Camp @ 7am.
Anonymous 29-03-2016 07:17
Found him South-West from Southern Guard Camp at around 8:00 PM.
Uploaded screen.
Anonymous 17-03-2016 06:43
I tried to paste a picture of where I found him. he was on the road southwest of Glish and southeast of the Southwestern Gateway.
During mid-day, he was centrally positioned between a triangle made of: Glish-SouthwesternGateway-BloodMonastery
Anonymous 22-03-2016 22:52
Found him exactly north of Glish at 1:44pm.
Anonymous 25-03-2016 11:12
Caught him at the triangle/crossroads split just south of the top marker at 2:50ish PM. He was there until about 3:10 then when I checked back was totally gone.
Anonymous 28-03-2016 06:01
Times differ, i found him in west of Glish crossroads after 2:00 AM
Anonymous 30-04-2016 11:37
At 9:30 PM I found him at Northwestern Gateway. There are 5 soldiers practicing on scarecrows right inside the gate, and he was next to one of the scarecrows.
Anonymous 30-04-2016 16:39
I was checking him for few days and I made video of where I saw him -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx7rKgSAXDg
He's not walking round all the time, sometimes he is going between camps few times before he decides to go further.
Most of the times I saw him on west and south of Glish. Cheers!
Anonymous 9-05-2016 01:08
Anonymous 22-05-2016 19:52
Found him on the road below Southern Guard Camp. Based on the above comments, time doesn't seem to be consistent, but it was at 12:40 AM.
Anonymous 4-06-2016 15:59
So, I finally found him for the quest... when I interacted with him, there were 2 choices. I chose the quest interaction first, but it also looks like there was a knowledge interaction.
When I interacted with him again, the knowledge interaction was unavailable.
Did I miss something permanently by doing this in the wrong order?
Anonymous 12-12-2016 13:37
South of Southern Cienaga at the crossroads at 8AM, he'll be traveling east.
Anonymous 1-01-2017 19:15
Found him South of Northwestern Gateway and Northwest of Glish swamp (Node) from 3.10pm until 3.30pm
Anonymous 20-03-2017 02:53
Found him here between 12:30-1:00pm
Anonymous 22-06-2017 18:37
At 5:00 PM he's just outside of Glish, on the neartheast edge of the Swamp Naga icon on the map (The smaller roads on the map form a crossroads)
Anonymous 6-07-2017 12:38
Found him at 7:39 am Northwest of Glish, hanging out on the road.
Anonymous 6-07-2017 20:12
Found him on the road just south west of Glish Ruins. Every hour in game he moved clockwise about 50-100 meters. added screen shots
Anonymous 10-07-2017 02:11
I think he appears in the locations at different times on different channels. I don't exactly have proof but when I changed channels, he wasn't there where I last saw him, and I made sure that he definitely did not just run off when I was channel hopping by switching only after he stopped at a location, therefore requiring him to wait another in-game 20 minutes or so before bolting off.
Anyway, if you have problems finding him, try going to the top marker at 1:00 PM in Mediah 2 (this is important if the channel determines his schedule, although I'm not sure if other channels have the same routine) and he should be at the triple intersection right above the top marker. At around 1:23 PM, he will run south on the road and stop at the top marker. At around 1:50 PM, he will take a few steps and stop at the intersection right under the top marker. This has worked for me for the past few days, and although I'm not sure if the weekly maintenance will ruin this schedule, it's always worth a try.
Anonymous 10-07-2017 13:22
Olvia 5 @ 10:56 AM Map location Mediah 1 @ 11:03 AM