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Level: 63 HP: 12,500,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1642 Evasion: 742 Damage Reduction: 900 XP: 35,679,009 Skill XP: 219,532 Karma: 105 |
- Description: Berurah - Description: I fell ill for a few days after being stung by an undocumented form of jellyfish I'd found deep inside Sycrakea. If I hadn't been so enraptured by its elegant dance, I wouldn't have been foolish enough to reach out and touch it. The sting lasted for some time, as well as causing a nasty burn, but it did serve as inspiration for a new kind of weapon. What if I created something seemingly innocuous? A weapon that protects itself by using the temperature differential of the rift to create a powerful electric current... With something like that, even Vaha's ultimate weapon won't stand a chance. - Syca Knowledge: - Berurah |
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