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Level: 60 HP: 146,304 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 807 Evasion: 667 Damage Reduction: 140 XP: 148 Skill XP: 50 Karma: 2 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: In the treaty between Calpheon and Kamasylvia, there is an animal protection clause. To protect the wildlife of Kamasylvia, this outlaws hunting without permit within Kamasylvia. Another condition was to maintain a high municipal rates for items originating in Kamasylvia. However, this lead to poachers looking to make a dishonest profit. The poachers go to the poorly monitored border between Kamasylvia and Calpheon to hunt the Loah Snake and Brown Bear living there. They are able to make a huge profit from this. To prevent poaching, the Ganelle are urging the guards to act against the poachers and secure the border. |
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