ID: 25531
Ahib Griffon
Level: 62

HP: 3,900,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 610
Evasion: 600
Damage Reduction: 10
Knowledge drop chance: 10.00%

- Description:
Ahib Griffon
- Description:
Griffons feel easily threatened by other races. Thankfully they dislike leaving their territory so the races outside the Navarn Steppe can live in peace.

The Ahib Griffon appeared suddenly to break that peace.

An Ahib Griffon has an ominous appearance compared to that of other Griffons. The Lemoria Sentinels have protected the Navarn Steppe for a long time, but even they had not seen a catastrophe like this.

Ahib Griffons attacked Ganelle villages, killed innumerable lives, and pillaged expensive ornaments. The Lemoria Sentinels mobilized their forces to kill the Ahib Griffons but the Griffons leisurely finished their pillaging before vanishing.

The Ganelle whom first witnessed the Ahib Griffons coming claimed they say saw them flying from the Arid Land.
- Ahib Griffon
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Wuwu 14-04-2021 17:10
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