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Level: 34 HP: 316 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 222 Evasion: 212 Damage Reduction: 10 XP: 6,038 Karma: 30 Knowledge drop chance: 30.00% |
- Description: Manshaum Narc's Spear - Description: It is an amulet newly created among the Manshaums. It seems to be a replica of the spear held by Narc, the God of Rain from the Kamasylve Legend. However, it is different from the amulet style created by the Manshaums, so we presume that it could have been made in the Manshaum Forest. The Manshaums keep the Narc's Spear as if it was their own. Knowledge: - Manshaum Narc's Spear |
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