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Level: 58 HP: 8,600,309 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 533 Evasion: 463 Damage Reduction: 70 XP: 2,505,749 Skill XP: 808,444 Karma: 80 Knowledge drop chance: 10.00% |
- Description: Dim Tree Spirit - Description: A magical creature created to purify Black Crystals. Nobody knows of its actual origin. It is hostile toward all beings outside of nature (including Humans), remaining antagonistic towards their entry into the forest. Known to be deathly afraid of fire, it has been observed to crouch down and wait until any present flames die down. Summoned by item: - Awakened Dim Tree Spirit Summon Scroll Knowledge: - Dim Tree Spirit |
16001 | Black Stone | 4 ~ 6 | 0.500000% | |
16002 | Black Stone (Armor) | 4 ~ 6 | 0.300000% | |
8911 | Concentrated Dim Tree Spirit Crystal | 3 | 1.00% | |
11017 | Dim Tree Spirit's Armor | 1 | 0.001000% | |
66113 | Dim Tree Spirit's Latent Aura | 1 | 0.600000% | |
44149 | Hard Tree Bark | 5 ~ 10 | 3.00% | |
44186 | Hunter's Seal | 5 ~ 10 | 3.00% | |
6351 | Legendary Beast's Blood | 1 | 0.000300% | |
10609 | Liverto Axe | 1 | 0.009000% | |
690512 | Liverto Battle Axe | 1 | 0.009000% |
9776 | Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard | 1 | 0.030000% | |
54031 | Laila's Petal | 1 | 0.150000% | |
752023 | Mass of Pure Magic | 1 | 0.001000% | |
11 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
12 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
13 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
14 | Pure Black Stone | 1 | 0.000100% | |
50807 | Pure Forest Breath | 1 | 0.010000% | |
44491 | Shimmering Piece of the Old Moon | 1 | 0.000100% |
316/1 | [Co-op] Defeat Awakened Dim Tree Spirit | 1 | All | 0 | 0 | 0 |