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Level: 65 HP: 2,476,662 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1370 Evasion: 950 Damage Reduction: 420 XP: 35,679,009 Skill XP: 219,532 Karma: 42 Knowledge drop chance: 15.00% |
- Description: Rock Gargoyle - Description: Unlike a normal Gargoyle, a Rock Gargoyle has hard and gray skin. It's difficult to damage Rock Gargoyles with common edged weapons. It is resistant to flames and unafraid of fire, making it tough to defeat. A Rock Gargoyle's leather or claws actually have little value because their original hardness is lost when they are gathered. Therefore, many adventurers are not willing to take quests involving these creatures. Knowledge: - Rock Gargoyle |
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