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Level: 60 HP: 39,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1009 Evasion: 717 Damage Reduction: 292 XP: 9,844,433 Skill XP: 285,391 Karma: 28 |
- Description: Nybrica - Description: A warrior of the Sherekhan, those worshiped in Drieghan as the Great Founders. They had long remained in eternal slumber after the Great Battle, but when the crimson dragon was spotted flying over Drieghan, the Sherekhan awoke to defend the lands once more. Always the first to lead others into battle, Nybrica's bravery was praised by Chenga Sherekhan Doroter, who saw Nybrica as a role model for all warriors to follow. Knowledge: - Nybrica |
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