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Level: 65 HP: 389,862 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1092 Evasion: 727 Damage Reduction: 365 XP: 35,753,340 Skill XP: 201,237 Karma: 28 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Vodkhan - Description: Vodkhan, whose two arms are huge swords themselves, is an ancient weapon capable of close combat and long distance attack. It is still unknown after many studies how this weapon was re-discovered after supposedly disappearing with the then-prosperous ancient people. Knowledge: - Vodkhan |
5780/10 | Secret of Ancient Weapons | 1 | Valencia | 100 | 0 | 350 | Select |
1103 | All About Item Drops | Combat | |
1101 | Blinded by Tears | Combat | |
1102 | Suppressing Elite Ordinances | Combat | |
1104 | Warrior Kin | Combat |