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Level: 58 HP: 229,341 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 613 Evasion: 463 Damage Reduction: 150 XP: 5,054,526 Skill XP: 182,943 Karma: 100 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Kalten - Description: Kalten is one of the ancient weapons. Kalten is armed with a double headed axe and a shield and resembles that of an enraged bull when it charges toward an unlucky target. One must approach with caution as Kalten will use the doubled headed axe to attack from all sides. However, most importantly, one must be wary of where Kalten is looking. If you're not careful, you may find yourself facing the true horrific nature of Kalten. Knowledge: - Kalten |
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