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Level: 50 HP: 1,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 554 Evasion: 449 Damage Reduction: 105 XP: 715,928 Skill XP: 161,688 Karma: 80 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Owl Treant - Description: A Treant that looks like an owl. There is a well-circulated tale of an adventurer who once killed an Owl Treant and felt a deep pang of regret upon watching it die. This adventurer resolved to give up his adventures, which inherently require killing, and become a pacifist farmer. No one knows the veracity of this tale, but it is quite believable given how cute Owl Treants are. Still, that doesn't mean they should be taken lightly. Knowledge: - Owl Treant |
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