ID: 9276
Refined Oatmeal
KR name: 정제된 오트밀
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction available
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
Possible substitution
Item group #6538
- Description:
Oatmeal made with excellent-quality grains.

- Effects:
Worker Stamina Recovery +6
(Use through the Worker Menu on the world map)

- How to Obtain
- There is a slight chance of obtaining Refined Oatmeal when making Oatmeal if at least Cooking Skilled 9.

- Press RMB to restore your Worker's Stamina.
Usage effect:
Refined Oatmeal

Buy price: 15,475coin
Sell price: 619
Repair price: -

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Added by Bunnyophiuchus (18-10-2023)