ID: 750612
[Event] Supreme Old Moon Scroll
KR name: [이벤트] 그믐달 최상급 주문서
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.00 LT
Lifespan: 14d
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
An item collection increase scroll given only to a select few by the Old Moon Guild.

- Usage: Gain the following effects

- Effects:
Item Drop Rate +50%

- Duration: 60 min
- Cooldown: 60 min

- How to Obtain: Various content

※ Type: Item Collection Increase
※ Effects of same item types cannot be stacked.
※ However, effects from items not marked with a type can be stacked.

Will expire within 14 days after being obtained and cannot be used after it expires.

※ Example of Increased Item Drop Rate Effect
When Item Drop Rate +20% is added to an item with a drop rate of 1%, an additional 0.2% is added, increasing the overall drop rate to 1.2%.
Usage effect:
Item Drop Rate +50%

Buy price: 10,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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ID   Title Level Region EXP Skill EXP Contribution EXP Quest Rewards REWARD_TYPES SUBTYPE
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