ID: 750504
[Event] Shakatu's Shiny Box (Life)
KR name: [이벤트] 샤카투의 빛나는 상자 (생활)
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
Treasure chest of the Golden Troupe who travel all over the world to sell precious valuables. Some of Shakatu's rarest treasures are said to be contained inside.
Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
TET (IV) Manos Necklace, TET (IV) Manos Belt, TET (IV) Manos Earring, TET (IV) Manos Ring, Horse Emblem: Dream Doom, Horse Emblem: Dream Arduanatt, Horse Emblem: Dream Diné, Khan's Concentrated Magic, TRI (III) Manos Necklace, TRI (III) Manos Belt, TRI (III) Manos Earring, TRI (III) Manos Ring, Advice of Valks (+150), PRI (I) Manos Necklace, PRI (I) Manos Belt, PRI (I) Manos Earring, PRI (I) Manos Ring, Manos Necklace, Manos Belt, Manos Earring, Manos Ring, Deep Blue Hoof Root x20, Rainbow Gem Fruit x20, Breezy Conch Seaweed x20, Advice of Valks (+40), Concentrated Magical Black Gem x6, Caphras Stone x18, Memory Fragment x25
You'll randomly get one of the following:
TET (IV) Manos Necklace, TET (IV) Manos Belt, TET (IV) Manos Earring, TET (IV) Manos Ring, Horse Emblem: Dream Doom, Horse Emblem: Dream Arduanatt, Horse Emblem: Dream Diné, Khan's Concentrated Magic, TRI (III) Manos Necklace, TRI (III) Manos Belt, TRI (III) Manos Earring, TRI (III) Manos Ring, Advice of Valks (+150), PRI (I) Manos Necklace, PRI (I) Manos Belt, PRI (I) Manos Earring, PRI (I) Manos Ring, Manos Necklace, Manos Belt, Manos Earring, Manos Ring, Deep Blue Hoof Root x20, Rainbow Gem Fruit x20, Breezy Conch Seaweed x20, Advice of Valks (+40), Concentrated Magical Black Gem x6, Caphras Stone x18, Memory Fragment x25

Buy price: 100,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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