ID: 750165
[Event] UberEats Gift Box
KR name: [이벤트] UberEats 선물 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
Press RMB to randomly obtain one of the following:
Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction
Sharp Alchemy Stone of Protection
Gold Bar 1,000G
Dandelion Weapon Box
Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box
Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Kutum's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Ogre Ring
Tungrad Earring
Basilisk's Belt
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Caphras Stone Bundle
Advice of Valks (35-45)
JIN Magic Crystal - Viper
Contract: [Storage Maid] Fairy Irene
Valtarra Spirit's Crystal
Advice of Valks (15-25)
Witch's Earring
Krogdalo's Origin Stone
[Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (7 Days)
[Event] Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x6
Memory Fragment x10
You'll randomly get one of the following:
Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction
Sharp Alchemy Stone of Protection
Gold Bar 1,000G
Dandelion Weapon Box
Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box
Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Kutum's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Ogre Ring
Tungrad Earring
Basilisk's Belt
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Caphras Stone Bundle
Advice of Valks (35-45)
JIN Magic Crystal - Viper
Contract: [Storage Maid] Fairy Irene
Valtarra Spirit's Crystal
Advice of Valks (15-25)
Witch's Earring
Krogdalo's Origin Stone
[Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (7 Days)
[Event] Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x6
Memory Fragment x10
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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