ID: 66745
Miraculous Water of Life
KR name: 영험한 생명수
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Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Character)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
The Water of Life that Bari procured for Lord Bonghwang after receiving a premonition. It is a miraculous life-giving water that saves all lives in the sea, but on land, it quickly turns into deadly water that takes life away. It needs the seeds of the Fleshsari flower, Bloodsari flower, Breathsari flower, and Bonesari flower to work as the Water of Life. However, for the flower to bloom properly, it needs to grow underwater, not on land. Hence, it is very difficult to find the flowers for the Water of Life.

※ This is a quest item.
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