ID: 48199
New Class Pack: Corsair Edition
KR name: 신규 클래스 팩: 커세어 에디션
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.00 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
Game shop item
- Description:
Press RMB to obtain the following:

- Standard Items:
[Corsair] Maretakant Classic Set
[Corsair] Nude Basic Underwear (No Stockings)
Celestial Horse Calling Horn (Permanent) x1
[Storage Maid] Fairy Irene x1
[Storage Butler] Ethan x1
[Transaction Maid] Fairy Risty x1
Inventory +16 Expansion Coupon x1
[Event] Equipment Tailoring Coupon x1
[Event] Value Pack (30 Days) x1

- Bonus Items:
Mermaid's Frozen Will Box x2
Crystal Extraction Tool x1
[Event] Black Spirit's Claw x1
Function 20% DC Coupon x1
Apparel 20% DC Coupon x1
You'll get
- Standard Items:
[Corsair] Maretakant Classic Set
[Corsair] Nude Basic Underwear (No Stockings)
Celestial Horse Calling Horn (Permanent) x1
[Storage Maid] Fairy Irene x1
[Storage Butler] Ethan x1
[Transaction Maid] Fairy Risty x1
Inventory +16 Expansion Coupon x1
[Event] Equipment Tailoring Coupon x1
[Event] Value Pack (30 Days) x1

- Bonus Items:
Mermaid's Frozen Will Box x2
Crystal Extraction Tool x1
[Event] Black Spirit's Claw x1
Function 20% DC Coupon x1
Apparel 20% DC Coupon x1 from the box.

Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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