ID: 44388
Shining Medal of Honor
KR name: 빛나는 명예로운 훈장
icon General
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A very shiny medal honoring a guild member's great performance. You can exchange it for other items with the Guild Military Supply Manager. (Press RMB for detailed location.)
Item Exchange List:
- [Event] High-quality Food Box
- [Event] High-quality Draught Box
- Item Collection Increase Scroll
- [Guild] Crimson Baron's Necklace (Temp)
- [Guild] Crimson Baron's Belt (Temp)
- [Guild] Crimson Baron's Earring (Temp)
- [Guild] Crimson Baron's Ring (Temp)
- Supreme Alchemy Tool
- Supreme Cooking Utensil
- Book of Training - Skill (1 Day)
- Book of Training - Combat (1 Day)
- Advice of Valks (+20)
- Advice of Valks (+35)
- Advice of Valks (+50)
- Whale Tendon Potion
- Whale Tendon Elixir
- Latent Boss Aura
- Advice of Valks (+60)
- Fine Accessory Box
- Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
- Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box
- Dandelion Weapon Box
Buy price: 3,000,000coin
Sell price: 300,000
Repair price: -
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HighMetalist 6-02-2020 00:24
Quezako 22-03-2020 03:01
This video is private.
Wildcard 6-03-2023 07:21
Why would you post a private video dip shit!?

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