ID: 31425
[Guild] Nouver Statue
KR name: [길드] 누베르 조각상
icon Installable Object
Weight: 1.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A decorative object that can be installed in the guild manor.
Its Durability decreases with use. This object grants a special buff.
- How to Obtain: Processing (L) - Manufacture with the following materials

- Materials:
Nouver Statue x1
Breath of Resentment x25
[Guild] Essence of Fury x150
[Guild] Furniture Crafting Permit x100

- Special Function: All AP +15, All Resistance +5% for 2 hr upon use

※ This item will be deleted if you leave or disband a Guild or a Clan, or if you're no longer a War Hero.
- Materials: Nouver Statue x1
Breath of Resentment x25
[Guild] Essence of Fury x150
[Guild] Furniture Crafting Permit x100

- Special Function: All AP +15, All Resistance +5% for 2 hr upon use
Usage effect:
Power of Nouver

- [Guild] Nouver Statue
- [Guild] Nouver Statue
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ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Total weight of materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Total weight of materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
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