ID: 16412
[Event] Tulem's Gift Box
KR name: [이벤트] 툴렘의 선물 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Advice of Valks (25-35), +2 Silver Embroidered Clothes Box, Black Magic Crystal - Harphia, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Sharp Black Crystal Shard Bundle, Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator, Red Coral Earring, Golden Backpack, Ancient Guardian's Seal, Ancient Weapon Core, Awakening Weapon Box, Tough Whale Tendon Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Cron Stone, Magic Butcher Knife, Magic Tanning Knife, [Mix] Time-Training Elixir, [Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir, Black Stone
You will get one of the following from the box. Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Advice of Valks (25-35), +2 Silver Embroidered Clothes Box, Black Magic Crystal - Harphia, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Sharp Black Crystal Shard Bundle, Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator, Red Coral Earring, Golden Backpack, Ancient Guardian's Seal, Ancient Weapon Core, Awakening Weapon Box, Tough Whale Tendon Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Cron Stone, Magic Butcher Knife, Magic Tanning Knife, [Mix] Time-Training Elixir, [Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir, Black Stone

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