ID: 63280
Bag of Muddy Water
icon Design
- Workload (1s)

- Crafting Materials
- Riddle-Me Barter Support Box

- Crafting Result
- Bag of Muddy Water
- Purified Water
- Rough Translucent Crystal
- Rough Red Crystal
- Rough Green Crystal
- Rough Black Crystal
- Rough Blue Crystal
- Rough Violet Crystal
- Noc Ore
- Lead Ore
- Processed Coal
- Coal
- Copper Ingot
- Lead Ingot
- Noc Ingot
- Tin Ingot
- Legendary Beast's Blood
- Tyrant's Blood
- Clown's Blood
- Sinner's Blood
- Wise Man's Blood
- Clear Liquid Reagent
- Pure Powder Reagent
- Shining Powder
- Old Tree Branch
- Sheep Hide
- Palm Plank
- Acacia Plank
- White Cedar Plank
- Thornwood Plank
- Moss Tree Plank
- Elder Tree Plank
- Pine Plank
- Ash Plank
- Maple Plank
- Birch Plank
- Loopy Tree Plank
- Essence of Liquor
- Vinegar
- Beer
- Grilled Bird Meat
- Pistachio
- Star Anise
- Ground Bird Meat
- Wheat Dough
- Barley Dough
- Potato Dough
- Sweet Potato Dough
- Corn Dough
- Cooking Honey
- Fire Horn
- Dragon Scale Fossil
- Thick Fur
- Fancy Reptile Skin
- Pink Trumpet Mushroom
- Big Arrow Mushroom
- Iron Ingot
- Thick Fur
- Tough Hide
- Feather Wolf Hide
- Wolf Hide
- Belladonna Elephant Hide
- Aloe
- Lion Hide
- Cotton Wool
- Flax
- Silkworm Cocoon
- Fleece
- Cotton Yarn
- Flax Thread
- Silk Thread
- Knitting Yarn
- Cotton Fabric
- Flax Fabric
- Silk
- Wool
- Lightweight Plume
- Soft Ferri Feather

NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products.

For all recipes/designs you can use the general substitution rules:
- 1 ingredient of green grade can be replaced by 2-3 white grade ingredients and vice versa.
- 1 ingredient of blue grade can be replaced by 3-5 white grade ingredients and vice versa.
Craft calculator
0 LT

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