BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

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BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Post by Snarker » Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:35 pm

Link: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Description of the problem:
Both Kalis Crescent and Kalis Florang both are able to be melted into stuff but it doesn't say so on bdocodex. I would assume this error is the same across all versions of florang and crescent pendulum

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Re: BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Post by Kiriak » Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:05 pm

Do you mean, there is should be a melting recipe for these or there should be some related text in the descriptions of these items?

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Re: BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Post by Snarker » Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:28 am

They dont have the "used in processing recipe" tab like the other kalis weapons do, all they have is a manufacturing recipe if you make them at a residence. basically compare the base kalis crescent pendulum page to the "kalis blade" page.

They are also missing drop locations but I understand you can't really get that unless the drop chances are leaked again.

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Re: BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Post by Kiriak » Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:58 am

Thanks for the explanation and report. The recipes are removed form the game client, so I have to add them manually.
I'll try to add more missing ones.

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Re: BUG REPORT: Kalis Crescent Pendulum

Post by Kiriak » Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:11 pm

Added a lot of new production recipes. Hopefully covered all missing ones.

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